Getting Started

Our goal as a team is to create templates that push creative boundaries forward, while remaining focused on the end user and their experience with the site.Thank you for purchasing a template from the Flowbase team.

Edit Colors using Global Styles
All template colors have been added to your globabl color palette, we recommend using the edit button inside here to change the color across all elements where it is used.

How do we get the website assets & patterns?

(a) Download them from the Webflow Assets (You can see all the assets on the left side panel)

(b) Request the figma files from Flowbase team

How can we remove interactions?

This template makes use of easy scroll in-to-view animations. All elements that animate on the page, will have an interaction applied to it. You will notice the small lighting bolt icon in the layers panel to see the animated layer. These elements are linked to the scroll into view trigger animation. We generally use 3 different scroll into view animations, these just have slight variations in the timing to achieve staggered load effects.

We recommend using our default interaction options to simply apply animations to any selected element or wrapper. If you wish to remove these, simply click the item and delete the interaction on the right side.